Sunday, February 26, 2012

What is an IT Band

According to Wiki, the all knowing Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS or ITBFS, for iliotibial band friction syndrome[1]) is a common injury to the thigh, generally associated with running, cycling, hiking or weight-lifting (especially squats). All I know is that it hurts.

A few weeks ago I went out for a 14 mile long run on my own because I missed the group run. I ran from Belmont to the Charles river and into Boston which is about 7 miles. Right at mile seven I felt this joint pain above my right knee. I kept trying to run but it was to painful. Thank goodness I caried my credit card with me because I had to walk to the nearest ATM and catch a cab home. I was wet from all the sweat and because I had to stop running I was freezing cold from the wind. I went home and iced my IT band right away. That seemed to do the trick. I continued to ice it each day until my next run and didn't have any issue  with it for a while

Yesterday I ran with our group for an 18 mile run. I started off feeling good until mile 15. That damm IT band again. It was so painful I had to walk the last 3 miles. I plan to Ice it every day this week and see what happens. I few friends have suggested an IT band compression wrap. Maybe I need to ice it no matter if it hurts or not. We'll see.

All and all I'm feeling great. Only 7 weeks to go and I'm getting that excited nervous feeling. Wish me luck.