Sunday, February 26, 2012

What is an IT Band

According to Wiki, the all knowing Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS or ITBFS, for iliotibial band friction syndrome[1]) is a common injury to the thigh, generally associated with running, cycling, hiking or weight-lifting (especially squats). All I know is that it hurts.

A few weeks ago I went out for a 14 mile long run on my own because I missed the group run. I ran from Belmont to the Charles river and into Boston which is about 7 miles. Right at mile seven I felt this joint pain above my right knee. I kept trying to run but it was to painful. Thank goodness I caried my credit card with me because I had to walk to the nearest ATM and catch a cab home. I was wet from all the sweat and because I had to stop running I was freezing cold from the wind. I went home and iced my IT band right away. That seemed to do the trick. I continued to ice it each day until my next run and didn't have any issue  with it for a while

Yesterday I ran with our group for an 18 mile run. I started off feeling good until mile 15. That damm IT band again. It was so painful I had to walk the last 3 miles. I plan to Ice it every day this week and see what happens. I few friends have suggested an IT band compression wrap. Maybe I need to ice it no matter if it hurts or not. We'll see.

All and all I'm feeling great. Only 7 weeks to go and I'm getting that excited nervous feeling. Wish me luck.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Hills of Beacon

   So far so good. I've been training for three weeks now and my longest run thus far was 6 miles. So far so good. A co-worker of mine, who has run the Boston Marathon before, ask if he could run with me at lunch, of course I said ok. No here is where things get interesting. Little did I know this would be a lesson to me, the rookie marathon runner.

   We ran a course that my co-worker was had done before. For those who know downtown Boston, we ran through downtown crossing, through the park to Beacon St. We made a left on Beacon St and ran to the walking bridge that cross over to  the Charles River. Now that was the easy part. On the way back, we took a left coming back over the walking bridge and there it was, Beacon Hill. Ohh my, this was a big challenge. I had to taper off a bit when I can about half way up the hill but a managed to make it, 13 minute mile pace up the hill but I made. When I was at the top, breathing so hard I thought by lungs were going to catch fire, I looked back with determination and said to myself that one day I would take this hill.

   I'm learning that training is all about dedication. I'm not going to have a great run every time but if I figure out what areas I need to improve in and work on them, I will be able to overcome any running challenge. I'll be back Beacon Hill.